Holy Hiatus Batman!!

   So I dusted the cobwebs off my poor, lonely, neglected laptop and hopped on over to FlatBrokeCoed.com for the first time in a while and realized, “Dang, I haven’t really been here in a while have I?” Yeesh… Sorry about that, guys!

   So, you might be wondering why, exactly, I took an unannounced hiatus from mid-August to now. Here’s a run-down of my reasons why I had to shift my attention elsewhere (regrettably enough) for the past 2 months:

  • I moved from Pennsylvania to Virginia.
  • I transferred schools and started classes at my new university.
  • I had the flu and bronchitis concurrently (it REALLY sucked).
  • It’s believed that my asthma may have been a contributing factor to my slow recovery (it took about 4-5 weeks to fully heal) so I have been gingerly starting a cardio regimen of sorts to cope with my asthma.
  • The house I have been staying at has been under construction for the past 5 or so weeks for a bathroom addition.
  • The first few weeks I have been down in Virginia, I was taking the Washington D.C. metro to school. It was at least 3 hours round-trip each day. It was a total time suck.
  • I returned to Pennsylvania one weekend and drove my car down. Now it’s only a half hour each way to commute to school.
  • I was in an auto accident. I was commuting home and was rear-ended by someone who wasn’t paying attention. My car is okay. It’s an older model and the bumper was already ugly anyway.
  • I had neck and upper back pain and stiffness for a few days because of the accident.


   And there you have it! Insight into my life for the past 2 months. It’s been an interesting mix of victories (exciting new school, new friends, new bathroom) and not-so-victorious moments (illness, asthma, car accident, long commute). But I’m back now and I’ve got a lot to talk about.


Back to School: Pimp Your Dorm with Washi Tape!

Have you guys heard of this AMAZING substance? It’s a Japanese somewhat translucent, decorative, paper tape.

Washi Tapes

Say “Goodbye” to free time…

It’s really easy to slap this pretty tape on any surface and reposition it whenever you want. It also just so happens to be a really affordable way to decorate and personalize your dorm room, laptop, cords, desk organizers, pens, candles, cups, etc. I smell possibilities!

We all want to have our own unique space that reflects and inspires us. So why not do that on the cheap with Washi tape? I’ve been doing some research and have found hundreds upon hundreds of Washi tape ideas. I came across an idea on Pinterest to place this lovely tape on some keyboard keys. Because Washi tape is somewhat transparent, you can still see the letters on the keys. Brilliant!

Washi Tape Keyboard

I’m kinda getting excited here, are you?

Would you like some Washi tape inspiration?

Click this link or this one to see many great and inventive uses for the greatest thing since sliced bread.

‘Til next time, stay saving, my friends.



P.S. You can find a plethora of Washi Tape on Amazon.com.

P.S.S. Find ideas like these and more on my FlatBrokeDorm Pinterest board! : D

A FlatBrokeCo-llaboration Feat. Squirrel!

Squirrel (a.k.a Mike Garofalo) is a fellow coed who runs a blog called the Adventures of Squirrel, which is an awesome inspirational blog you can find here.

Squirrel/Mike has been kind enough to hop on board the Back to School train with me and offer up some fresh BTS money saving ideas for you guys!

So go on with your bad selves and click here for 5 Zany Back-To-School Money-Saving Tips!

Thanks, Squirrel!

Signed, FlatBrokeCoed

FlatBrokeCoed Has Been Nominated!

My blog was nominated for 3 awards by Colleen at BrokeForBeauty! I’ve loved her blog from the moment I found it. She’s all about thoughtful reviews about beauty products and even often features budget finds and drugstore dupes.

The awards are:

The One Lovely Blog Award

The Shine On Award

The Versatile Blogger Award

The rules for each are to mention the blogger who nominated you, list seven things about you, and then nominate 7 other blogs for the award. I’ll list my 7 nominations at the end of the post! Now on to the factoids!

One Lovely Blog

  1. I am the youngest of two children.
  2. I have an older brother named Andrew (Drew for short).
  3. I have a 7 year old mini Dachshund named Wally. I took him on at just under a year old from a neighbor who could no longer keep him. I was 15 at the time and he’s been my best buddy ever since.
  4. I’m a Nursing (RN) major. I plan to go on to get my Master’s degree and become a nurse practitioner in women’s health.
  5. My favorite color is purple.
  6. My first car was a 1997 Geo Metro LS in White. Google it. It’s adorable. Her name was Betty White.
  7. I love AEO jeans with stretch because they feel like pajamas.

Shine On Award

  1. I used to be a part of the local Tri-County Swim League. Our swim club was the smallest in the bunch. We almost never won, be we made up for it in spirit! (That should say how little we won).
  2. I have had a job of one sort or another since I was 10. I’d like to think I have a good work ethic because of it.
  3. I only made a twitter account just over a month ago. I’m technologically slow to catch up for a 20-something.
  4. Pinterest is my biggest time-suck. I can’t just browse. I have to pin 5,000 things in one sitting.
  5. I love Dr. Who, Supernatural, Falling Skies, New Girl, True Blood, Game of Thrones, Under the Dome, Glee, and the news (I’m a news dork).
  6. I bought a vintage 1940s style brocade and velvet boudoir chair at a vintage furniture shop near my house at age 15. It is my love and my first big purchase.
  7. Doing dishes is not my least favorite chore, like most people would guess. I hate taking out the trash.

The Versatile Blogger

  1. I took psychology and criminal justice classes in high school because I was certain I wanted to be a criminal psychologist.
  2. I have had major weight-loss in my lifetime. I dropped 40 lbs and have kept it off since my sophomore year in high school.
  3. I used to hate girly things all through my junior year of high school. I would prefer riding around the neighborhood on my bike and getting dirty and sweaty to dresses and nail polish. But I’m wearing a pink t-shirt as I type this and am going to re-do my nails when I post this.
  4. I (and everyone else who does it) find yoga incredibly relaxing. It’s my new favorite activity. I could be in the midst of finals induced madness and a single yoga session would wipe it all away. It’s truly amazing.
  5. I’m happy to be more of a friend to my parents than a child. I’m 21 and they are 42 and 43. We’re not really all that far off in maturity, ethics, or responsibility.
  6. I can’t have bagels in the house. I’ll demolish them.
  7. I can’t dance, at least not well. And I don’t care.

Whew. It was interesting trying to come up with 21 facts about myself. I hope you have a better picture of who I am now.

Now on to my nomination picks!

Our Thrifty Ideas is an awesome Play at Home Mom Thrift/DIY/Recipe blog. I love her newspaper pumpkin idea! It’s great for Halloween or all-year decor.

A Thought and a Half is a blog penned by my high school friend Kate. I love her posts on Apartment Cooking. I’m sure we can all relate.

Bucktown Bar Blog is an awesome, picture-loaded bar review blog written by another high school friend Hannah. I may be biased because she reviews bars that I go to and love.

A Pretty Penny is another WordPress website like my own that I love and look up to. It’s all about her obsession with beauty, fashion, and her flower shop.

Redesigned by M is yet another fabulous, DIY-centric WordPress blog. It’s loaded with DIYs running the gamut from clothing to IKEA hacks.

Adventures of Squirrel is an amazing inspirational and motivational blog written by a man in college. He’s wise beyond his years.

Cha-Ching on a Shoestring is a savings blog I’ve been following for years. It’s been featured on my local ABC affiliate, MSN, and the Huffington Post!

Thanks again to Colleen from BrokeforBeauty for the nomination!

Back to School: 6 Tips to Prevent Overspending

Back to School FlatBrokeCoed

These tips and tricks are the easiest and sometimes most effectual steps you can take to save you money, because overspending can hurt you many times more than simply not shopping sales.

1)   Clear out old school supplies and clothing and inventory your stuff.

Get rid of every broken crayon, pencil without an eraser, dried out marker, shirt with an irreparable hole in it, and sweater you’ll never wear again. Once you’ve purged your clutter, you can better gauge what you have versus what you need. Gone are the days of buying duplicate cardigans and mechanical pencil packs! You’ll know everything you have before you go shopping.

2)   Comparison shop from home.

Before you even walk through the door, you should know what you need from the store and about how much it should cost you. During the back to school season, retailers will make their brick-and-mortar store pricing available through their weekly ads in your local Sunday paper, or even right on their website. Compare competing ads before you go to make sure you’re getting a great price.

3)   Make a list and stick to it.

I’m sure you’ve heard this tidbit before, but it’s tried and true. Once you’ve cleared out your clutter, make a list of things you NEED (not simply what you want) and review it. Cut out anything you could do without. For instance, you have a nice pair of black leggings in your closet, but do you really need a grey pair? You’re probably fine.

Bring that list with you to the store and stick to it! This is the hardest part, as it requires some serious impulse control and discipline.

4)   Set a budget.

I know this sounds thoroughly tiresome at first glance, but would you rather know how much money you can spend without missing rent or would you rather have to sell your hair to make ends meet? Set a budget and tailor your list to it.

5)   Use a cash-only approach.

If you bring your shopping budget in cash, you can see exactly how much is leaving your hands and you’ll know precisely where you stand with your budget. And studies show that people who bring cash while shopping tend to spend less. Bonus!

6)   Don’t get suckered into end cap advertising or BOGO/ “twofer” deals.

Okay, this is a pretty big one, as these two combined can make your total at the cash register skyrocket.

An “end cap” is the end of an aisle in a store which has its own display. Consumers have a misconception that whatever items are on the end caps are on sale or are a good value. Oftentimes stores will put featured items that are not on sale (they may even jack the price up!) in this prime real estate simply because it’s so eye-catching (and of course, to capitalize on the aforementioned popular consumer misconception).

Also, don’t be afraid to NOT go for a BOGO deal if you only really need one item. I’ve worked in a retail store where t-shirts were $19.50 a piece or 2/$32. While the unit price does drop when you buy two, you just went from a $19.50 purchase to a $32.00 purchase because of the perceived savings. You’re not saving when your shopping total goes up.

Wrap-Up and Helpful Links

There’s already enough going on with your BTS preparations, why add debt-related stress? Be realistic with your money and your needs versus your wants. If you know there is going to be a big expenditure time (in this case, BTS shopping) start setting aside a few dollars a week so you’re not totally unprepared when August comes around.

Find out some more great overspending prevention tips here and here.

Do you have some great BTS budgeting or spending ideas? Lay ’em on me down in the comments!

‘Til next time, stay saving, my friends.



Back to School with FlatBrokeCoed

Do you hear what I hear? It’s the sound of millions of students and their families readying themselves for the back to school/ back to college season, and it sounds like wallets emptying.

Although August can be a great time to stock up on office supplies, school supplies, dorm furniture, and your back to school/ Fall season wardrobe, there are still a lot of tricks retailers use to try to get you to spend more than you have to on items you weren’t planning for.

That’s where I come in! You’re welcome in advance.

Throughout August, I’ll be doing a Back to School series about how to save money on all of the expenditures you and your family are sure to have, as well as share some tips and tricks on how to get the most out of shopping at some popular retailers.

To start off your BTS inspiration, follow me on Pinterest at @flatbrokecoed! I’ve already added and am continuing to add loads of money saving ideas and inspiration! I’m currently loving my new FlatBrokeDorm board, where I post low-cost and DIY dorm decorating and organization ideas.

Happy Pinning!

‘Til next time, keep saving and pinning, my friends.



DIY: The Shore Edition!

Hey guys! I’m continuing with the vacation/shore theme with this awesome DIY gift using SAND. Be sure to pick some up and head here for the recipe for this amazing sand foot scrub!

Image Source: HGTV.com

Image Source: HGTV.com

It makes a great gift and the sand is free! Just scoop some up while on vacation and bring it home. Be sure to go sea shell collecting too for a fun jar decoration! (Seriously, sea shell collecting is addictive).

NOTE: You can do without the powdered kelp and seaweed. It’s a nice touch, but not a necessary one. Stick with the sea salt, sand, olive oil and essential oils and you’ll be fine.

Know any other shore-inspired DIY? Tell me about it in the comments!


How to Save While on Vacation

Hey guys! I’m currently spending 10 long, languid days in Sea Isle City, New Jersey. While my trip could be relaxing and restorative, it could also be a stress-inducing money pit if I’m not careful. But, of course, I am careful. I’m me, after all. I know how to have fun on a budget. Here’s how I’m doing it.

ONE: Get gas on the cheap and make it last longer.

A lot of grocery stores and wholesale store chains have points-based and/or loyalty programs that can earn you money off of gas. So why not use them? It may only be 10-40 cents off a gallon here and there, but that can really add up, especially if you have a large gas tank.

If you haven’t heard of gas buddy, you’re really missing out. Type your location in to gasbuddy.com or on the gas buddy app to get a read out of the lowest gas prices near you. Usually there is a big range of prices you may not even know about unless you go to this website. For instance, my 7 square mile area has prices ranging from $3.27 a gallon to a whopping $4.09!

Make your gas last through something called hypermiling. Basically, just be judicious with how much you push your gas pedal. For instance, there’s no need to push on that pedal and use up precious gas when you see you’re approaching a red light or stop sign; just coast to a stop. Also, be careful about how much you press that brake pedal unnecessarily, as that wastes the gas you’re using to propel the car forward. Keep your speed consistent and use cruise control to cut down on gasoline usage.

TWO: Buy food and liquor on the cheap.

Of course, beach towns like the one I’m in tend to inflate their food and liquor prices, especially during the peak vacationing season. I cut down on food costs by bringing as much with me as possible. I stopped at Aldi’s before my car trip to get healthy foods like spinach, berries, almonds, pecans, mushrooms, granola bars, etc. They’re things I could easily make a meal out of or pack to the beach for a post-swim snack.

Just like I bring food from home, I do so with liquor too. I saw a wine label in Sea Isle City that was selling for $16.99. That same bottle would cost me $9 at home. Why pay inflated shore prices? Bring your own liquor and beer!

THREE: Have fun on the cheap

Okay, I’ll admit it’s really hard to sit on your hands in a vacation town and not go out in the name of fiscal responsibility. I get that. But at least do your homework first to find some good deals.

For instance, research some of the bars near where you’ll be staying. Check out their websites or call them to see if they offer any specials or have any cover charges. This way you’ll have a good idea of what bars near you offer the atmosphere you want at a price that won’t make you feel financially hung over the next morning (Ha! Funny, right?).

Also check the town or county’s website to see what free or cheap events and attractions are near you. In Sea Isle City, they have morning yoga on the beach 3 days a week at $10 a class. Not bad for doing down dog while watching the sunrise. They also have free movie-under-the-stars events and their website even lists discount days at the city amusement park.


It all comes down to preparation and doing your homework. No, you don’t have to coupon while on vacation! Vacation is about relaxing, after all. But you can still prepare very easily with a few Google (or Swagbucks!) searches and know what prices you’ll encounter before you go. Be sure to set a budget for outings and only spend cash, so you see how much of your budget is leaving your wallet.

Have fun and don’t forget to apply sunscreen!

‘Til next time, stay saving, my friends.

Signed, FlatBrokeCoed

P.S. How do you save while on vacation? Do you scour the internet for good hotel deals? Do you coupon while on vacation?  Leave a comment and tell me how you do it!

D.I.Y- Personalized Keys

Howdy! Here I go again with some good ol’ fashioned D.I.Y.!

I believe in D.I.Y. with a purpose like re-imagining things around the house, making something you have better, or saving money. So when my dad changed the locks on the front door and plopped down an ugly, plain key for me on the kitchen table, I knew I had to un-ugly it right away. For the record, he normally has our house keys decorated for the family at Lowe’s. This time he didn’t and his explanation was, “C’mon guys, it costs $3 a key!” I guess I can’t blame him. Apparently good money-management runs in the family.

I decided to go off of something I saw on michellephan.com and put all of my nail polish to good use. It’s very pretty and very simple.

diy key preview

Doing it DIY

Doing it DIY

What You’ll Need:

  • 1-2 colored nail polishes (I chose Essie in Mint Candy Apple and E.L.F. nail polish from a 3-piece set called Vacation Trio)
  • 1 clear coat or top coat nail polish
  • An ugly key that needs pretty-ing


  1. I chose to do one color polish on one side and a different on the other side. Regardless, start by painting one side, making sure ONLY to paint the top part of the key. Painting the bottom could make the key not work correctly. Paint one coat and let dry completely. Paint a second coat and let dry completely.Purple Side of Key
  2. Now go ahead and paint the other side. Make sure to apply two coats (same as the first side) and make sure you let your key dry completely between each coat. I applied 3 coats to the blue side to try to hide the raised Lowe’s markings. I think I did alright. See below.Blue side of key
  3. Now, just like a manicure, apply a coat or two of clear polish to protect your key and prevent scratches. For this step I chose to use Rimmel Base Coat Top Coat Pro. Applying clear coatAnd you’re done! Admire your work!


Obviously you can go crazy with your color choices. Go with neon colors or maybe try some glitter! Just make sure to seal with a top coat every time. I also did my boyfriend’s key in a more masculine black color. You could also go with hunter green or navy blue or even red if you’re decorating a key for a guy. It doesn’t have to be in-your-face girly.

Do you guys have any other creative uses for nail polish? Leave a comment below!

‘Til next time, stay saving, my friends.

Signed, FlatBrokeCoed